Inven2 har en portefølje bestående av 50 selskaper. De har vi etablert alene eller sammen med investorer. Utgangspunktet for selskapene er forskningsresultater fra innovative forskere. Porteføljeverdien var i desember 2023 på totalt 11 mrd kr, men dette vil variere med verdien av det enkelte selskap og hvor lenge vi er aksjonær i de mest verdifulle selskapene.

The company is developing novel resistance breakers – the new, last line of antibiotic defence.

A Norwegian based pharmaceutical company founded in 2021. The company is developing the first new class of anti-arrhythmic therapy in 50 years.

Baldur offers services in coating materials and components with ultra-thin films, primarily through the use of the ALD (AtomicLayer deposition) technique.
Attendance registration made easier.

Biomolex offers new technology for autoradiography, genomics and proteomics analysis.

CardiNor commercializes Secretoneurin (SN), a new biomarker for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The use of SN for CVD is based on research carried out at Akershus University Hospital, HUS, Oslo University Hospital and Akademiska Sjukhuset in Uppsala, Sweden.

Current Eco delivers a Smart Urban Mobility Platform for real time information from Electrical Chargers and parking spots to vehicles, operators and public.

Digital health solutions for an easier everyday life.

A tool for logical analysis.

Cutting-edge cancer immunotherapy based on T cell receptor technologies.

Elliptic Labs is creating new and intuitive ways of interacting with computers. By combining expert knowledge from multiple disciplines, such as signal processing, consumer research and interaction design, Elliptic Labs seeks to develop unique and human-centered interactions.

EpiGuard develops improved patient transport solutions to meet new global epidemic challenges.

A solution for disease-related malnutrition, to nursing homes, hospitals and home care services.

HoloCare AS creates holographic solutions for clinical research and enhanced medical knowledge.

Listen develops new solutions to support hearing for everyone, everywhere.

Lunde Lab develops interactive therapeutic games that deals with several mental health issues through engaging interactive training.

A new insight solution for municipalities and public administration.

Nextera is a drug discovery company based on a proprietary phage display technology and with a focus on new therapies for autoimmune diseases.

Digital therapeutics for migraine headaches.

Odi Medical AS develops Oxygen Delivery IndexTM – a function assessment of the microcirculatory system that can be used to diagnose circulatory failure on an individual basis.

Oncoinvent AS is a privately held Norwegian company. The vision of the company is to bring new treatment options to cancer patients by developing novel medical products. Delivery of tumor-cell killing doses of radiation is the main mechanism of the products of Oncoinvent AS. Radioisotopes are combined with carriers for optimal delivery.

Ostomycure develops the TIES® System. With the TIESx® System the patient is provided with a permanent, patient controlled continent stoma. The TIES® System is a titanium port with lid and is implanted in place of a conventional ileostomy. This allows patients to exercise their needs when it suits them, in contrast to the conventional stoma that continually empties itself into a bag, causing discomfort, noise and smell.

Pharmasum Therapeutics is a Norwegian company focusing on the discovery and development of differentiated drugs for treatment of neurogical diseases, especially dementia.

Pone Biometric is a small and cutting-edge hardware embedded in end-point devices with secure firmware protecting your communications and files.

Pre Diagnostics is an innovative Norwegian diagnostic company that seeks to create value for patients, partners, and investors by developing pioneering and patient-friendly, in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) products for early detection of diseases. Pre Diagnostics aims to be a leader in the diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease and is thus focused on the development of IVD biomarker products that use well-established technologies and procedures.

Prediktor Medical is developing a system for estimation of glucose (blood sugar) based on the combination of several noninvasive measurement principles such as advanced multivariate analysis and dynamic models for glucose/insulin interaction. The device will be body mounted in the form of a bracelet or a watch communicating with a mobile phone or a tablet for data presentation and device.

ProfMof provides world-class Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) that can be applied to a wide array of industrial processes. The products have unique characteristics and provide high stability, high porosity, and functionalization.

Prophylix Pharma develops a safe new treatment that prevents excessive bleeding in fetuses and newborns caused by FNAIT. Today, such bleedings may cause life-long disabilities or death.

Prosa Security AS offers the new game changing cyber security software. Software systems and applications are today of increasing strategic importance for businesses — but they are also target for cyber-criminals. Prosa Security offers a unique solution that secures your entire software application infrastructure.

RESPINOR is developing a novel non-invasive ultrasound-based medical device, DXT (Diaphragm Excursion Technology), to improve clinical decision-making in critically ill patients.
DXT has the first ultrasound sensors that can stick to the skin for continuous monitoring of our main breathing muscle, the diaphragm. The diaphragm is as critical to our respiratory system as the heart is to the cardiovascular system. There are no standardized and objective technologies for continuous diaphragm monitoring available.

Serca Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on development of its lead drug candidate intended for use in a novel treatment of acute myocardial infarction.

Setred provides a new unique 3D display technology that enables a full depth experience without the use of goggles or headgear. It is a plug and play device that can be used with any computer using a standard graphics card.

The founders of Somsagt AS wish to give clinicians an easier workday. Health-care personnel deserves the latest within research on how to meet and handle patients and colleagues. The company therefore builds the bridge between research and clinical practice. Through training in ” tricky patients and their relatives”, conflict management” and ”when the damage is done”, the company enables hospitals to make good medical communication to part of the culture. The teachers are all clinicians with a Ph.D.

Stily develops artificial intelligence for online stores to give their customers a more personalized experience. Customers get tailored suggestions based on their styles and personal features. Online stores get more loyal customers and less returns.

Thor Medical is a producer and supplier of alpha-particle emitters for cancer therapy. The production process is based on separation of natural occurring radioactive decay products from thorium (Th-232).

Tribune Therapeutics is developing novel medicines to treat patients with fibrotic disease.

Access desired consumer groups, test products and get reliable results all in one platform.

Trygg Natt is a new type of technology platform for contactless, high-precision monitoring of basic vital parameters for patients in patient rooms.

Ultimovacs AS is developing a novel peptide based therapeutic cancer vaccine. The vaccine consists of a mix of peptides which are fragments of the enzyme telomerase expressed by cancer cells allowing them to divide endlessly. The vaccine is undergoing clinical phase 1 trials.

UniGEO’s goal is to provide industry relevant courses in geosciences with a strong academic foundation. We offer traditional courses world wide and an interactive learning program – GeoCLASS.

Cutting-edge cancer immunotherapy based on T cell receptor technologies.
Inven2s formål er å ta flest mulig ideer fra forskning frem mot et marked. Noen ganger betyr dette at utviklingen skjer i et oppstartselskap. Inven2 investerer ofte for å få slike selskaper i gang og deltar i emisjoner gjennom utviklingsfasen, noen ganger har vi også stiftelsesaksjer. For slike selskaper som vokser og hvor aksjene på et tidspunkt kan realiseres vil Inven2s formål bety at vi selger deler av aksjebeholdningen for å investere i opprettelsen av nye selskaper. Her er en oversikt over noen selskaper hvor vi har solgt aksjene våre.